Toll, aber zu kurz

Ideen für short story-Titel

1 Hit Me With The Heavy Stuff

2 Der tanzende Schauspieler

3 Erwachsene Hunde

4 Nebel- und Schwefelschwaden

5 Das Boxen-Luder

6 Schon vier Augen sind zuviel

7 No Time to Shave

8 The Longest Shoes I Had

9 Panchapantra

10 The Dog Who Went By Bus

11 Fat But Flexible

12 The Chief of Many Things

13 Flying Cheese

14 Maria who’s going to France

15 All The Taxis In The World

16 The Connoisseur Of Substances

17 Viking Lasagna

18 Maybe Clove

19 Hamlet Himself

20 (Carlos)

21 Absolutely